
To create a high-impact, yet intimate worship environment—including full audio, video, and lighting system—for a crowd of up to 1400 in a historic theater in downtown Wichita, Kansas.


In keeping with the architecture of the space, and to echo the shape of the circular stained glass window behind center stage, Relevant Audio + Visual created a semicircular video wall. Due to the depth of the stage and the need for space for a choir, this video wall had to be built in two separate pieces: a lower wall at the back of the stage and an upper floating wall toward the front. From the audience perspective, these two walls appeared as a single solid image.


Attendees at Heaven Collide were treated to an impactful, Spirit-filled worship experience. The lighting and sound provided by Relevant Audio + Visual, as well as the creative construction solutions required by the space, highlighted the beauty of the historic theater and helped facilitate an unforgettable evening.


See more photos from the annual Heaven Collide event